

14 Minor Occurances That Will Completely Ruin Your Day

We’ve all had those days, days where even the most minor problem or occurrence can make you feel as if the world is ending. Problems so minor, that even you can look back on that moment days later and think… Continue Reading →

A Miracle Recovery After Man Suffers For 12 Years

A Miracle Recovery After Man Suffers for 12 Years This is an incredible story about a young boy, named Martin Pistorious, and his miraculous recovery after doctors had told him and his family there was no hope. A family’s worst nightmare started… Continue Reading →

19 Hilarious Moments of People Who “Had The Last Laugh”

There is no greater feeling in the world than getting back at someone that made you feel inferior, and the following people made sure they got the last laugh without any hesitation.  No matter the extent of humiliation, you can… Continue Reading →

35 Facts That Will Blow Your Mind If You Grew Up In The ’90s

Take a look at these 35 mind-boggling facts that will make ’90s kids feels as though they’ve already got one foot in the grave.   1. Courtney Cox is now 52 years old, which is older than Rue McClanahan was when she… Continue Reading →

Lose Belly Fat Immediately By Avoiding These 5 Foods

Everyone struggles with that unwanted excess fat in the stomach region, and it seems as though no matter how hard you try, you can never do enough sit-ups to get your abs where you want them. However, exercise aside, you may not realize… Continue Reading →

14 Hysterical Childhood Photos Recreated By Siblings

We often go through old photo albums to reminisce on all those wonderful childhood memories, but have you ever gone as far as actually trying to recreate those moments? Take a look at these childhood photos that were recreated by… Continue Reading →

27 Unseen, Intimate Photos of Brangelina

With news of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s split dominating the Hollywood headlines, we thought we’d take a walk down memory lane of the famous (no longer) duo.  These next 27 photos highlight some of Brangelina’s most intimate moments over the… Continue Reading →

Shocking Wish Comes True on Woman’s 105th Birthday

After a decade of making the same wish every year, a woman finally got what she wanted on her 105th birthday. While you wouldn’t expect this type of wish from someone her age, 105-year old Ivena Smailes doesn’t let her… Continue Reading →

Man Finds True Love After Texting Number on Bathroom Stall

Ever wonder if there is anyone out there that actually dials those numbers written on public restroom walls? Well the answer is yes, and luckily for one random guy, a quick text he sent as a shot in the dark found… Continue Reading →

Annual Photo Captures Sisterly Bond Over 40 Years

The Brown Sisters: Aging Together Over 40 Years. What started off as a simple photo of four sisters standing side-by-side, turned into a series of annual photos perfectly capturing the beautiful bond of the sisters over forty years.  In 1975,… Continue Reading →

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